Saturday, April 9, 2011

Slim Pickings, Slow Nights

Dantumi/Aurohunen area has been pretty dead for a couple weeks now and there just isn't much to shoot at. It's even been pretty dead all along the pipe to OMS. Compounding the problem is our corp activity levels, or complete lack thereof. I was online for 7 hours yesterday and one(1) corpmate logged on for 10 minutes to change a skill. That's utterly depressing. Time for a recruitment drive methinks!

Desperately tired of roaming around solo in an AF I've started solo-gatecamping for lulz again. This is some pretty low-man-on-the-totem-pole shit folks. Popping noobs and badgers. The only upside is the hatemails, emo-rage rants, and at least I'm putting SOMETHING on the killboard. I could get lucky too, the right hauler could have a hell of a payday in it's cargohold. Hey, I can dream, right?

1 comment:

  1. The return begins.... and that means ill be primary all over the place.
