Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Alts Can Save Your Ass

Logging on this morning before DT, I decided to camp a gate solo for a bit. Lesbotrain local was empty minus 2 docked up toons, so I set myself up in a pounce with an alt on the other side of the gate. Normally this is all I would need for a little solo-camping fun. Today I decided to try a third alt in a neighboring system just to give myself an extra heads-up in case danger lurked just over the horizon.

It was damn slow. More then 30 mins passed without much traffic into Lesbo or the rear system my backup alt was watching. One Hurricane from the rear, looked like he went to a safe then back to the out gate. But not much else. Finally, just what I've been waiting for, a T2 Minmatar hauler lands on the Lesbo gate, and it's the non-cloaky, NICE! Before I warp down to the gate and claim this ship and it's precious booty I have a quick look at scan on the backup alt. Wait-a-minute! 3x Hurricanes, I narrow scan down to my in-gate, yep on 5 at the gate. Well crap, I don't like the looks of that. I mean if the hauler is untanked I should have time to pop it and run but I could lose the cargo to the 'Canes, or if it is tanked I could get caught. I decide to pass on it and see what happens.

Hauler jumps in, sits there until it's cloak fades, still sitting there, still sitting there, +1:30, +2:00, finally it warps. Hauler goes right to the rear low-sec gate and jumps. I switch over to the alt in there and notice a nifty little convo in local. "Go back through and slow boat this time". Hmm. Wonder what this is about lol. Well the hauler pilot does just that. But I ain't biting.

Hauler pilot finally makes his way down slowly to the gate, holds for a minute, then jumps. It was so damn obvious it wasn't funny. I wanted to shoot it badly but not worth losing a HIC over it. Like that really sexy chick from down the street, till you find out who she's been fucking, then you wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

Well a few minutes later the Hauler pilot is back at the gate. This time in a cov ops. LOL. He jumps and immediately starts dropping probes. Combat probes. I bug out and dock. Effectively cock-blocking these baiting faggots. I'm the only Sinner online so no chance of taking the gang on. I don't know what I could really take 3x Hurricanes with solo. I suppose a Machriel, but I don't fly or even own one of those. Oh well. Need to get ready for work anyways.

Moral of the story... The more eyes you can have the better. That might sound super obvious but it's lesson I think people keep needing to learn over and over. I know I'm guilty. It's something I want to start subtly getting my fellow Sinners to employ. We lost a fight the other night that we would have seen the back-up coming had any of us with nearby alts just had them parked next door to see the backup coming.

Fly paranoid,


  1. Use a Hurricane to fight Hurricanes?

  2. I suppose I could have done several different things. Even with a beefy Drake I might have taken 1 or 2 of them down. My problem was that I was in the mood to gank stuff and not actually have to PvP, nobody's perfect! lol
