Thursday, January 6, 2011

Un-Lucky Charms

I'm not a superstitious person so the idea of good or bad luck is silly to me. That being said, I've noticed that when I fly with certain pilots I lose ships. Not occasionally, but every damn time. You could chalk some of those losses up to the usual things that can go wrong like piloting errors, lack of intel and taking bait, getting outclassed, bad FC'ing (or no FC'ing), because of Falcon, etc. But, and I've had this happen with a few guys now, when everything should be going right, the whole fight goes south in seconds. And it happens with the same guys time after time. What the hell is going on? Are these guys just like un-lucky charms for me? Anti-rabbit's foot syndrome? Should I just forget ever getting in gang with these pilots again?

The answer to all of those questions is... No. No they aren't bad luck and no I don't have to avoid flying with them. I had to think about this for a long time. I replayed several fights in my head over and over again. There had to be a reason. Some of these guys are damn good pilots. But why are the fights going so badly?

Style! We have totally different fighting styles. The answer might have been obvious to an outsider but for me it was perplexing until I stepped back and looked at it from a distance. I knew it had to be something simple. And now that I know what the problem is I can set about correcting it. It would be arrogant and ignorant for me to ask everyone in EvE to fly like I do, so that means I have to adjust and adapt when I am in a small gang with those pilots flying a different style. You'd think I would have learned this lesson two years ago when I first got into pvp. Some people are just slow to learn I guess.

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